
About PlaylistSupply

Our Story: From Artist Managers to Innovators

The music industry has witnessed unprecedented changes, particularly in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. At PlaylistSupply, our team, with a collective background in artist management, artist booking, and label services has had to adapt and innovate our marketing strategies in this evolving landscape.

Amidst these transformations, the power of independent playlist promotion emerged as one of the most effective tools for artists in 2020. However, we also observed the challenges that many artists and managers faced when attempting to secure official editorial playlisting or dealing with unscrupulous third-party playlist promotion services.

PlaylistSupply was born out of a need to revolutionize the way artists and their teams approach playlist promotion.

This realization drove our entire team to embark on a mission: to create a comprehensive solution. We set out to develop an automated tool that empowers not just artists and managers but the entire indie music community to run effective playlist promotion campaigns independently.

Our collective vision for PlaylistSupply is to democratize playlist promotion, ensuring a level playing field for all independent artists, managers, and individuals who may not have the resources of major labels or significant budgets. With PlaylistSupply, we aim to provide you with the tools and capabilities to take control of your playlist promotion and advance your music career.

Research Playlist Curators and Run your Own Playlist Promotion Campaign

Our mission is simple: to level the playlist promotion playing field and provide a genuine alternative to questionable “playlist networks.” PlaylistSupply is your all-in-one solution for playlist research and promotion. Whether you’re an independent artist, manager, or label representative, our tool is designed to enhance your Spotify traffic and visibility effectively.

Since our inception, PlaylistSupply has garnered recognition from prominent management companies and major labels. They trust our platform to complement their digital release strategies and amplify their music’s reach.


Why Choose PlaylistSupply?

Sophisticated Algorithms: Our tool is driven by cutting-edge algorithms that expedite playlist discovery with unrivaled efficiency. We help you find the most relevant playlists swiftly.

Tailored Search Options: PlaylistSupply provides diverse search options, including email discovery, social media account identification for direct messaging, and the ability to pinpoint playlists featuring similar artists. These features enable precise targeting for your campaigns or A&R endeavors.

Authentic Engagement: In a landscape fraught with fake playlists and inflated follower counts, our tool allows you to locate genuine independent playlists with actively engaged listeners. These playlists can convert casual listeners into devoted fans of your music.

Join the ranks of successful artists, managers, and labels who’ve harnessed the power of PlaylistSupply. We’re not just an automated tool; we’re your partners in playlist promotion, helping you navigate the complexities of the music industry with confidence.

At PlaylistSupply, we’re not just a tool; we’re a community of music enthusiasts, creators, and industry experts. Join us on this journey as we redefine playlist promotion and unlock new possibilities for artists worldwide.


PlaylistSupply vs. SoundCampaign – How to detect trending playlist curators – Best tool in 2024

PlaylistSupply vs. SoundCampaign – How to detect trending playlist curators – Best tool in 2024

Music marketing as an indie artist in 2023 is not easy, but there are some ways to make it easier. One of these ways is reaching out to playlist curators to get on Spotify playlists. These independent playlist curators make up most of Spotify playlists and are crucial for artists to find new fans and get more streams.

If you want to skyrocket your exposure and reach a whole new audience, you’re probably considering two popular music promotion services: PlaylistSupply and SoundCampaign.

PlaylistSupply vs PlaylistPush – What’s The Better Option For Independent Artists in 2024? PlaylistPush Alternative

PlaylistSupply vs PlaylistPush – What’s The Better Option For Independent Artists in 2024? PlaylistPush Alternative

Unlike PlaylistPush, our tool PlaylistSupply delivers a variety of data points about curators and their playlists. Using such technology you can  conduct your own vetting process and determine whether a playlist’s quality meets your standards and overall find the best curators to submit music to playlists. PlaylistSupply reaches playlists in every language and can be used to find playlists and playlist curators in every region.